Bleu Card for foreigners who lost Turkish citizenship
Under Article 4 B of (French) General Tax Code, a person is considered to have his tax residence in France if: He has his home or his main place of residence in France. She has a main profes...
How to obtain potential tax identity number in Turkey ?
How to obtain potential tax identity number
The company must obtain potential tax identity numbers for non-Turkish shareholders, and non-Turkish board members of the company from the releva...
Civil and Penal Risks of Non-compliance to the Personal Data Protection Law
In the present Legal Memo, we will summarize the regulations related to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (herein after the “Law”), emphasizing on the risks (civil and penal...
Improving investment environment in Turkey
In March 2018, a committee was created to improve the investment environment in Turkey with the slogan 'We make it easy'! And indeed, measures have helped to improve the legal and administra...
What are latest provisions on capital lost and insolvency of companies?
Communique on the Procedures and Principles Relating to the Application of Article 376 of the Turkish Commercial Code has been Changed
In instances of capital loss or debt , the circumstanc...
Has Turkey ratified La Hague Convention?
On 7 October 2016, Turkey ratified the Hague Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement.
The same convention also covers cooperation on parental...
Chines leading group Sinohydro Corporation still involved in hydroelectric projects in Côte d'Ivoire
As of 2023, Sinohydro Corporation still involved in hydroelectric projects in Côte d'Ivoire. One of its notable initiatives was the construction of the Soubre Dam, a major project for hyd...
Changes in Turkish VAT Law
Turkish VAT Law changes for some sectors
-Exchange differences will be included in the VAT base.
-The delivery of books and periodicals by publishers shall be exempted from the value added...
Taxes on profit transfers outside Turkey
There is no limitation for repatriation of profits unless the company is monitored by an upper supervisory body (such as the Capital Market Board or the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Bo...
Changes to the Corporate Tax Law
What are the changes to the Corporate Tax Law ?
In incentive certificate investments, the contribution rates to investment and corporate tax reduction rate applicable for 2017 and 2018 exp...
Is Turkish Data Protection law similar to EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Is Turkish Data Protection law similar to EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
According to Turkish law on Data Protection (herein after "Data Protection Law"), there are some s...
Types of companies in Turkey
The following are some of the most important differences between a Joint Stock Company and a Limited Liability Company under Turkish laws :
• There is no minimum or maximum number of sh...
How quick is establishing a company in Turkey
Our tasks would be those necessary for the legal steps of an incorporation in Turkey, and assisting in further legal steps taking into account specificities of your sector :
i) ...
How to mandate a lawyer in Turkey
Under Turkish laws, attorneys at law may only act when duly empowered by a power of attorney in due form.
This is to say that if you intend to hire a lawyer in Tukey, you are obliged to iss...
International Arbitration in Turkey
The adoption of Turkish International Arbitration Law 4686 in 2001 replaced the principle of reciprocity for a more all encompassing principle of "foreign element", thus enabling more arbitr...
Law on protection of data enacted
According to the Law, the definition of the personal data is “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person". This is to say that any company that holds any kind...
How to protect trademark in Turkey
In order to be protected, you trademark shall be registered in Turkey. Indeed, this is one of the main differences between patent and trademark, the second needing a local registration in ea...
How to incorporate a company in Turkey
For a limited liability company, the registration procedure follows the steps herein under :
1. Execution and notarization of articles of association, signature declaration of the managers,...
New regulation on Citizenship
“The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law" was adopted by the Council of Ministers on December 12, 2016 on the basis of...
Mandatory lawyers in Turkish companies
According to Law 1136 (Code of Lawyers) Article 35, joint stock companies over 250.000 TL (approximately 90.000 USD) shall have a mandatory lawyer.
The companies have the choice between h...
How quick is establishing a company in Turkey
How quick is establishing a company in Turkey
Our tasks would be those necessary for the legal steps of an incorporation in Turkey, and assisting in further legal steps taking into account...
How long is establishing a company in Turkey
In March 2018, a committee was created to improve the investment environment in Turkey with the slogan 'We make it easy'! And indeed, measures have helped to improve the legal and administra...
Company incorporation in Ivory Coast
The list of the documents to provide for the constitution of a company (SARL) in Ivory Coast are as below:
1. With regard to Associates
1.1. Physical persons
- One (01) photocopy (in co...
Challenging an arbitration award in Turkey
Under Turkish International Arbitration Code, the courts cannot review the merits of the arbitral award and correctness of the arbitrator’s decision. The exclusive way to challenge an in...
What to do in case of trademark infringement in Turkey?
In order to be protected, you trademark shall be registered in Turkey. Indeed, this is one of the main differences between patent and trademark, the second needing a local registration in ea...
How to mandate a lawyer in Turkey
Under Turkish laws, attorneys at law may only act in the name of the appointing lawyer, only after having been duly empowered by a power of attorney, in a special forml.
This is to say that...
international arbitration in Turkey
The adoption of Turkish International Arbitration Law 4686 in 2001 replaced the principle of reciprocity for a more all encompassing principle of "foreign element", thus enabling more arbitr...
Data Protection Law in Turkey ?
According to the Law, the definition of the personal data is “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person". The below chart shows how wide the extent of person...
Investing in Turkish financial sector
When investing in the Turkish financial sector, foreign investors are subject to the same conditions and permits as Turkish investors. There are no limits or restrictions in the financial le...
What are the taxes to be paid for transfer of dividends?
There is no limitation for repatriation of profits unless the company is monitored by an upper supervisory body (such as the Capital Market Board or the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Bo...
Arbitration in Turkey and law firms in Turkey
Arbitration in Turkey and law firms in Turkey
Turkey's status among "world's most growing economies" brought along the need to modernize the law system. For drawing the foreign investors' a...